Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Some link love

Once upon a time, Being Brazen, a wonderful blogger from Cape Town decided to start a book club with a difference. We don't meet, we do not have to read the same books, we all do not reveal our true identities but it is just as satisfying as a conventional book club. Hmmm...somehow I know feel part of an underground super hero gangs, very Watchmen-esque. Closeted and open book lovers can find all the fantasy, action, thrillers and romance here: Being Brazen Books

My very first review for the club on Alice in Wonderland can be read now too!

And they all lived happily ever after, between the covers of books.


Janine / Being Brazen said...

ooh, yes...super heros...thats what we are I'll be bionic can be paranormal prixie :)



Thanks for the love x

Unknown said...

I can't imagine a better way to live happily ever after tahan between the cover of books.