Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Tormented people

There is a sickness in South Africa. It is called crime.

Recently there are more and more people I know that have been directly affected. First my home. Thieves tried to break in. If they had gained entry, they could have become rapists or even murderers. All South Africans know it can go either way. When I heard about this, I got that chill invading my being, the same feeling my friend Saaleha experienced when she, her husband and their new home were invaded by criminals. They have been violated too. Then another dear friend from high school and his family were held up at home.

What is this madness? What is this mayhem? My country is rotting and there is no one to blame but South Africans. As a nation we are sick of crime, a national psyche damaged from feeling vulnerable and afraid.

Where is the freedom really? How did it go so wrong? And what can be done? There is only so much talking and complaining can accomplish. But where to start?


liam said...

this makes me sad. i hear about this stuff, people getting torched, it's an absolute nightmare.

and your country's hosting the world cup, right? maybe that could be the impetus to start bringing people together.

Raghav said...

u have been tagged

S said...

It's such a sad frustrating feeling! Praying is about the only thing I can think of doing at the moment. That, and instigating for the death penalty to be brought back.

bb_aisha said...

it's time we stop praising our constitution & using it to argue for the rights of criminals. it's time for tough measures...

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear of the terrible incident that befell your friends. The crime rate is on the rise every where. Here in the USA the number of home invasions has climbed to the point of being sickening. We choose to live in the country for the peacefulness and beauty. I would be willing to bet that about a third of our neighbors are running Meth Labs in their homes.

Stay safe, and always watch your back.