Friday, 6 March 2009

Great company for a midnight prowl

It is a Thursday night, 23.32, and oh whats that? My stomach makes a low growling sound. I feel like a bottomless pit lately because no amount of food seems to be enough. So I saunter down the stairs as quietly as possible for a bowl of cereal. I switch on the radio and R.E.M's Everyone Hurts is getting some airplay. I roll my eyes to the heavens and beyond. Okay Universe I know you're there! When you are feeling outta sorts, as I am lately, that song makes me want to jump over the bridge or pull the trigger. Whatever the method, that song will drive me to do it. Don't get me wrong, I think R.E.M are great and the song has meaning. But not when you are blue, suffering from both insomnia and exhaustion while eating cereal close to midnight.  


Anonymous said...

23:32 eh

synchronistic numbers?


Unknown said...

have you tried snacking on protein foods? sometimes i find when im really hungry and nothing will satisfy, thats when i need something with protein in it... ;)

Az said...


Don't you have a chocolate stash somewhere?

Mama Feline said...

Too true! I find it freaky that the radio has this uncanny ability to tune into my vibe and really hit home all too often.
Did the cereal at least have yummy mini marshmallows in it??

KiLLa said...

Was it Coco Pops at least..
Cos that can be eaten at any hour..

Crimson Shimmer said...

snap and crackle all you want.
just please dont pop!

Anonymous said...

But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.
Then I think we would see the beauty.
Then we would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges,He!He!He!.Take care all will be well

Anonymous said...

hey lady. hope u r well!

Disguise said...

awesome blog :)
I'm addicted :P