Monday, 23 June 2008

Peace in the Middle East

I work in a office filled with Jewish people. Seriously, I am the only non-Jew. Directly below our office there is a youth Muslim organisation. I love fate's sense of quirky humour.

If this building is being shared peacefully, maybe the same can be done for a piece of land with man made boundaries? Does this mean peace in the Middle East is possible?


ZK said...

sometimes we all just wish...

Unknown said...

As long as there is "HOPE" there is always the possibility for "PEACE". I think it would happen faster if the leaders of these countries were women. Not just women, but mothers. I don't see that happening too soon though.

Nooj said...

yeah i do dislike how some muslims despise jews simply because they are jews. there are some jews i totally admire, like ronnie kasrils and zapiro. um i dunno hey. i wish it was as simple as agreement on religious tolerance. this is something more sinister and exclusionary. maybe you can start like conversations and move onto mediation in the segment of the society you experience? i don't think it would lead to peace IN THE MIDDLE EAST but peace anywhere is worth it.

Prixie said...

zk: we do indeed

jo: you made me think of a very alternative universe - just how different would the world be if women were in leadership roles?

nooj: yup

dennis said...

Dennis was born a Satmar Jew, but adopted by Buddhists and he thinks periods of scattered peace are always happening as there will always be good people who try. Religions, most of them are good at dividing people and making us think we are not connected when we are VERY connected.

dennis said...

Dennis remembers what Northern Ireland was like when Margaret Thatcher laid down her law. People are good, and people are not so good, it depends on the person.

Anonymous said...

no one likes it, but if you are honest, peace is boring. Hence action movies. voilence is fun. watch a nature channel this is just how it is here. peace doesnt work so good in this universe, more is the pity. thats my take on it.


Janine / Being Brazen said...

I really love this post. Imagine if peace was possible? If only the middle east could be that office building...