Thursday, 29 December 2011

Well, that's that, then!

What sort of a year has 2011 been? Personally, it's been filled with:
...denial, anger, pain, frustration, bitterness and hurt.
...hiding, isolation, loneliness, solitude and confusion.
...a blur of remorse and tears.
...a fight to keep the threads of my life sewn and to keep on breathing.
...forgetting my passions like writing, cooking, reading and blogging. Thereby forgetting myself too.

And because of all the above, the last two months or so has been filled with:
...rebirth, renewal and revitalisation. re-awakening of all my senses.
...promises to build a better 2012 - and onwards. of engagements and weddings. (My own! Eek! God, help me!)
...hunting for a place to call home.

So I reckon 2012 has gotta be better - full of those sorta huge life changes. And I hope it is not my misguided optimism at this time of the year. Maybe S.O* and I are on our way to a Happily Ever After.

These two secrets from Postsecret  pulled at my heart:

Finally, a very happy new year to you! May 2012 fulfil every wish and dream, even those in the deep corners of your imagination. Shine and thrive, everyone!

*S.O= Significant Other

Monday, 12 December 2011

Chocolate Monday

This, quite obviously, does not apply to me - I am always eating chocolate. But does this apply to you? Image found here.
Chocolate Mondays have been created to banish Monday Blues, or at least lessen the sting of a new working week.  

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Gotta keep on going

December slow down...what December slow down? My happy fantasies about work getting a bit more quiet are being dashed day by day. My mind and body feels like it needs to shut down and enjoy doing nothing. But alas, the Big Work Monster rears its ugly, slobbering face and demands more time. I guess that is the nature of the media so lemme continue to write and write and write...and get on with it. Whimpering certainly won't help me tick off my to do list!