Monday, 31 January 2011


I found this tweet on the Postsecret  and thought it was really touching and sweet! 

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

If only...

...I could get my hands on something like this!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

A chocolate to start the day

The company has recently moved offices. We are now near a Vida e Caffè and they hand out these small Lindt chocolates (as seen above) when you buy a coffee. Scott, a great work colleague, went there this morning to get his caffeine ration for the day. Lo and behold, he walks into the office, straight to where I sat and hands me this little treasure!

I shrieked in happiness, something along the lines: "Oh wow, really? This is for me?! Thanks! You've made my day!" My eyes shone bright with the thoughtfulness behind the gesture.

I love it when people support my choco-holism.

**content sigh**

Monday, 3 January 2011

The year of life paths

Happy MMXI bloggerville! I hope this year is full of blessings for each and every one of you!

I guess it is expected to be pretty introspective at this time of the year, eh? Naturally it got me thinking what sort of a year this could be and I shall dub it the Year of Choosing Life Paths.

My reasoning is quite simple: most of the very important people in my life are making decisions that will impact pretty much the rest of their lives, things like leaving the country permanently and getting fabulous jobs in different countries. Hell, my choices are also going to be long,long, looooonnnnnggggg term too.

Needless to say everyone who are leaving be dearly missed. Many voids will be left which I wonder could ever be filled again. But my friends inspire me with their bravery and courage. Keep soaring dear ones!

Here's to 2011 - the mistakes, joys, laughs, tears, frustrations and everything else!