Wednesday, 22 July 2009

It's a kind of magic

When cheeks are dry from salt due to tears being shed much too frequent, a damn fine soak in a bubble bath is utmost priority. In the bowels of my toiletry draw I find...fairy dust*. It is the perfect addition for a magical makeover. Just half an hour, and my bones feel new, my skin aglow and the mental mugginess a bit more clear.

*very good bath salts, acting as this precious dust so rarely found in this day and age. C'mon, aren't you a believer?


po said...

I agree a bubblebath always makes you feel better but what happened?

KiLLa said...

And here i thought u posted a Queen music video..

Bath Salts.. really :P

Closest i came to a bubble bath is the Deep Heat bubble bath.. Used after soccer on a sunday

zingtrial said...

Bath salts can help improve the way you feel and ease away the tension. Not only do bath salts come in a variety of soothing fragrances, they also offer many other benefits including certain healing properties. Hope you feeling relaxed now He!He!He!

Az said...

Hope you're feeling better...

I find that a huge blob of Nutella works wonders :D

Organic Meatbag said...

Hey, now I'm smacking my lips! I like to take a long, hot soak in the shower...does my body right!

Anonymous said...

Next time i want to join you ok....SO won't know anything dont worry