S.O came to London. He went back home. It seems he has taken my heart back with him. Our first "Goodbye, see you later" in April 2008 was hard. The second one in January 2009 was absolute torture.
I love London so and I am willing to stay. Nevertheless things seem a bit lack lustre since he packed his bags (and my heart) and headed back home. To see the magnitude of love in his eyes made me drown in enraptured joy. And it is that love that can make me re-assess what I always wanted out of life.
Granted, I am emotional at the moment but I need to make a decision. London or S.O?
Skanky, in her infinite moments of wisdom, asked:
so what can u afford to lose? what are you able to live without?
Crunch time.
Oh and besides all my ranting, may you all have a blessed 2009. May it be more than everything you want it to be.
Yes.All the Very Best To You in 2009.
Regardless of the decisions We make ,We Live On! But At Least You have A Choice. Only You You Will Know The Right Move To Make.
Tough decision. Can he not move to London. If not then I would go with him. But that is just me.
First up, indulge yourself with chocolate (guaranteed to cheer you up). Secondly, only you will know deep in your heart what is right. If he loves you enough he will wait. If you chose S.O. and the relationship failed in 6 months would you have the opportunity to pick up again in London, or live to regret it? Whatever you decide will be the right choice for you at this time. All the best.
Well I say it depends how long you intend on staying in London. If its just temporary i.e. a year or so...then I suggest stay...you dotn want to chose him and then resent him for not living your life. And if he really loves you, he will wait.
But if you were planning to stay longer..i.e. 5 years etc. Then you're going to have to make a choice girla...because he's a man, not a saint so no guarantees on what he'll do or wont do. And it would be unfair to expect him to put his life on hold for that long.
Whatever you decide...Good Luck!!
PS. Whats the chances of him being able to move to London for the time you're there?
I say Namaste London !!
Good luck! must be a tough decision.
This situation calls for chocolate and lots of it!
Skanky is right....
Think about it like this...
Barring Nuclear Holocaust......London will always be there.
and happy new year
"YOU TWO" need to talk HEART TO HEART.No one else's bussiness!
Best Of Luck for you two:)
Follow your heart - London aint going anywhere - but your man is :)
" Evry human heart is a universe of possibilities" No matter what you decide both you and your S.O will be fine ... albeit eventually. Such is life that we have to live, we have to soldier on. If life were a straight road than there would be no such thing as CHARACTER, nor would there be any appreciation and ... All we have are our choices and we live with the consequences of the action take/choice made. Whose to say what is the right decision, how do you know what you will feel in the future. All you know is right now what you are feeling at this very moment. So, should your action/choice be facilitated by the right now, or what you think will be right for your future - thing is how do you know what your disposition will be in the future?? For example, before he visited, you were happy, you were comfortable, yes you missed him but you also forgot what it was like to be with him or have him around. You could picture yourself happy. If someone had to ask you right than and there pre S.O's visit, you could well have lived happily in London, because you familiarised yourself with the place,situation .... you ADAPTED (you soldiered on) .... and you would not be able to tell how you would feel in the future with him around. Now that he visited, you find yourself confused, right now, you are confused .... but again, you don't know what you will feel like in the future because end of the day, you will adapt again to life without him. This example just re-inforces that fact of do we think of the right now or right for the future but thats always changing because we are always adapting to our environment. There is no room for regrets in the future, nor what could have been, it will be what is and that will be it. Either London or S.O will become a once upon a time in my life.
Happy New Year Prixie!
Has he asked you to choose? It's very hard to be in love, and very easy, and everything in between those two!
aw shucks!
*big hug*
i hope you make the right decision...and i hope whatever you decide makes you happy :)
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion. so its up to you :) .Decisions are the endless uncertainties of life that we'll not know if they're right until the very end, so do the best you can and hope its right.
I hope you make the right decision..happy 2009..thanks for dropping in at backpacker
Please let us know what you decide.
prayers can shorten that distance, honestly!!
pray and believe, and i see him closer to you soon inshaAllah :D
bless you and have a great new year
aaah, love... yes... i decided to move to Joburg from Cape Town... THEN met the most amazing girl, and decided to leave anyway... coz we only knew each other a month... in the end she followed me, and we're so happy! we search for love, and not many find it... so i'd say follow it :) london will always be there!? no?
Dont Think Just Make a decesion S.O,
Without him you cant be happy in londpn or newyork but with him you can be happy in timbaktu
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